Residency Sponsors

I have the most exciting news! I have been chosen to represent Eastern Canada at the Atelier international artist residency in Dangeau, France. Over 1400 international artists applied, and I was one of 14 chosen for the fall session!!

This is a huge opportunity for me. I am so excited to embark on my first international trip, to explore the european art work and also shine international light on the small but mighty art community of Frederciton, NB. The residency takes place from October 30th to November 14th. 

However this is a huge commitment and undertaking, as it is not a paid residency. 
So, in order to fund my way there I am asking for sponsorships from the community to help support my journey. 

All sponsors are shown below, and will be listed on my social media as well :) 

When I arrive to the residency I will broadcast live and thank everyone who helped make this dream come true. 

Afterwards, I plan to host a gallery opening to show off the art pieces I created while abroad, and to showcase and thank the list of sponosors one last time. 

My goal is 7500$ and I will be updating the taly below every day when donations come in.

The link to my Go Fund Me can be found here:

If you would like to donate privately, send me message on my contact page and I can send you my personal email :) 

Current donations: 



Max Brown
All-Tech Environmental
Karen and Kirk Thompson
Carlie Dunbar
Neptune Moar
Melissa Arsenault
John Hoogendoorn
Jeremy Gamble
Dawn Mockler
Hans Klohn
Chrissie Park-MacNeil
Caitlin Richards
Puppet Garrell
Lindsay Demerchant
Marie-Claire Paulin
Kate Halliday
Raven LaBillois
Darren Martell
Daniela Gould
Lee Smith
Tori Tilden
Rodney Pollard
Jaime White
Louis-Xavier Berube
Brad Sawlor
Geneviève Roy
Ryley Anstis
Dacia Bulmer
Osco Construction Group
Robert & Jocelyn Couterier

Special thank you to: 

All donors who wish to remain annonymous
Everyone who bought raffle tickets for the Isle of the sky lion
Everyone who bought raffle tickets for the Great Toad fo Abundance 
Everyone who bought limited edition prints of the Great Toad of Abundance
Everyone who supported me by boosting my socia media
and to everyone who sent me love and excitement <3